kalabrese is one of the more glittering characters in zurichs music scene and mingling at the frontline as dj, producer and as co-owner of the legendary club zukunft. through his very own style as a producer sacha winkler caused a stir outside of switzerland. kalabrese debut album «rumpelzirkus» is a great piece of music. it rumbles and works the funk organically and song oriented and recevied good reviews in the independent dance-scene all around the world in 1997. the 2nd album „independent dancer“ came out in may 2013 more and more you can hear the signature of kalabrese sound and his unique songwriting with vocals of him self and guest singers (khan from berlin, sarah palin from zurich). „independent dancer“ is a journey into different world, very lightfull and positiv and allways funky. radiostations like kcrw in america or sonica ibiza played regulary times songs of the independent dancer album. spotify playlists and over 390k-regular members and millions of clicks helped to spread kalabreses non-perfect dance groove over the globe. In the middle of the Pandemic Kalabrese finds his way back to ease, regaining the Rumpelfunk and finalized a new album. „Let Love Rumpel Part One“ is a marvelously light, warm dance.
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